SNESAREV, Andrej Evgen’evič

SNESAREV, Andrej Evgen’evič. Staraja Kalitva, Ostrogožskij uezd (now Rossoš), gub. Voronež 1.(13.)12.1865 — Moscow 4.12.1937. Russian Officer, Geographer and Oriental Scholar. Lieutenant General. Son of Evgenij Petrovič Snesarev (1838–1882), an Orthodox priest, and Ekaterina Ivanovna Kurbatova. In 1884 matriculated from Novočerkassk. Studied mathematics and graduated 1888 from Moscow University, in 1899 also from General Staff Academy. Served in the army in 1888-1931. In 1899 he was posited in Turkestan and soon sent to India, in 1902-04 served in the Pamir, then in St.Petersburg. Participated in the WW I, after Revolution joined the Red Army. From 1919 Head of General Staff Academy. From 1921 taught at Russian Military Academy, from 1922 Head of its Oriental Section, from 1924 Professor. In 1922-24 Rector of Moscow Oriental Institute. Arrested in 1930 (or 1931) and sent to camp, liberated 1932 or 1934 as seriously ill. Rehabilitated 1958. Married Evgenija Vasil’evna Zajceva, five sons and one daughter.

Publications: More than 150 items, e.g.: Severo-Indijskij teatr. 1-2. 347+359 p. Taškent 1903.

Pamiry. 153 p. Taškent 1903; transl. Durand’s Sozidanie granicy. 273 p. StP. 1905; Vostočnaja Buhara. 148 p. StP. 1906; transl. Robertson’s Kafiry Gindukuša. 318 p. StP. 1909; Indija kak glavnyj faktor v sredneaziatskom voprose. StP. 1906; Anglo-russkoe soglašenie 1907 goda. 30 p. StP. 1908; Voennaja geografija Rossii. 89 p. StP 1909.

Afganistan. 244 p. M. 1921, English transl. 1924.

– Indija (strana i narod). 1. Fizičeskaja Indija. 165 p. M. 1926; Ètnografičeskaja Indija. 277 p. M. 1981.

Sources: V. Dudnik & D. Smirnov, NAA 1965:1, 243-246; Miliband 1995 (with many further references); E. A. Snesareva (his daughter), NAA 1986:4, 117-122; Vasil’kov & Sorokina 2003, 357-359; Wikipedia (more in *German and *Russian versions, with photo).

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