ŠOR, Rozalija Osipovna

ŠOR, Rozalija Osipovna (Josifovna). Kovno (Kaunas in Lithuania) 12.(24.)6.1894 — Moscow 18.3.1939. Russian Linguist. Daughter of Iosif Solomonovič Šor and Marija Davidovna Šereševskij, a Jewish family in Lithuania (then part of Russia), her father was chemist, who soon graduated as physician. In 1900 the family moved to Moscow. Studied German, but also Sanskrit under Vs. Miller, now became interested in narrative literature. In the 1920s naučnyj sotrudnik in linguistic section of Institut jazyka i literatury, in Institut narodov Vostoka and in Gosudarstvennaja Akademija hudožestvennyh nauk. In 1928-30 Professor at Azerbaijan University, in 1930-34 at Institut novyšenija kvalifikacii pedagokov. In 1934-39 Professor at N. G. Černyševskij Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History in Moscow, from 1935 Professor of Linguistics at Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogičeskij Institut and at Leningradskij Institut istorii, filosofii i lingvistiki. Dr. lingvističeskih nauk 1936. Died of cancer. A pioneer of Sociolinguistics. Knew and taught Sanskrit in Moscow. She had one daughter.

Publications: “Einige russische Märchenparallelen zu ‘Bharaṭakadvātriṁśikā’”, AM 2, 1925, 163-169.

Translated into Russian: selected stories of the Pančatantra. M. 1930; Dvadcat’ pjat’ rasskazov venally. Lg. 1939 (Vetalapañcaviṁśatika).

– “K sootnošeniju recenzij drevneindijskogo sbornika skazok Vetalapañcavimçatika”, Sb. v čest’ akademika S. F. Ol’denburga 1934. ??-??.

Much on European literature (books on Heine and Dickens) and on general linguistics.

Sources: Briefly mentioned in Bongard-Levin & Vigasin 99 & 155; *V.A. Kočergina, “R.O.Š. i sanskritologija”, Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta Ser. 9, 2008:1, 144-149; Russian Vikipedija with two photos and further references (briefly also in German Wikipedia).

Last Updated on 1 year by Admin


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