SOTNIKOV, Mihail Nikolaevič. 1??? — 19??. Russian Indologist, Specialist of Hindi Grammar. In the 1930s Docent of Indology at Leningradskij Vostočnyj Institut imeni A. S. Enukidze. Later moved to Moscow and was 1954-56 Head of Department of Indian Linguistics at Moscow Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) and 1956-65 at Institute of Asian and African Studies. has one M.N.S., born 9.11.1902, died Moscow 11.7.1970, but no details.
Publications: Edited the work of A.P. & P.A. Barannikov: Hindustani (hindi i usrdu). Grammatičeskij očerk. 1956.
Sources: Information kindly offered by Ja. V. Vasil’kov and A.A. Vigasin; not in Miliband 1995.
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