STCHOUPAK, Nadine (née Nadežda Oseevna Steinberg). Vilna (now Vilnius in Lithuania) 10.2.1886 — Paris 30.11.1941. Russian (Lithuanian Jewish) Indologist in France. Daughter of Osiah (Joshua) Steinberg (1830/39–1908), a gymnasium professor, rabbi and Hebraist, and her wife, the daughter of Rimski-Korsakov. Studied History at St.Petersburg University, also Sanskrit under Ol’denburg. With her future husband she was active in politics as Social Democrat. They left Russia in 1908 and she continued her studies in Paris. Graduated from É.P.H.É. in 1917. Student of Foucher, Lévi, Finot and Meillet. For her living, worked as German translator. Taught Sanskrit in 1927-39 at Institut de Civilisation Indienne at Sorbonne, during the absence of Foucher in 1931-37 also at É.P.H.É. In the 1930s Secretary and Librarian of the same Institut, until fired by Nazis as a jew. Died after a short illness. Married with Samuel Stchoupak (Ščupak, 1880–1944), lost early her only son, separated 1930. Also their only daughter died young (17) in 1924.

Stchoupak was warmly approved by students and friends for her wide expertise and helpfulness. In Paris she was also in close contacts with Russian emigrants and helped Jewish refugees (in this collaborating with Lévi).

Publications: Diss. Le complément de nom dans le Çatapatha Brâhmana. 1917, publ. in MSL 21, 1920, 1-38.

Edited & translated: Uttararāmacarita. La dernière aventure de Rāma. Drame de Bhavabhūti. 72+142+167 p. Coll. Ém. Senart 4. P. 1935.

With L. Renou & L. Nitti-Dolci: Dictionnaire sanskrit-française. 4+897 p. P. 1938.

Translated with L. Renou: Rājaśekhara: La Kāvyamīmāmsā. 286 p. Cahiers de la Soc. As. 8. P. 1946.

Chrestomathie sanscrite. 84 p. P. 1948.

Sources: N.S. in memoriam. 39 p. n.d., with photo; R. Lardinois & B. Kaganovitch, D.O.L.F. 911f.; with photo; briefly in French Wikipédia.

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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