SCHRADER, Otto. Weimar 28.3.1855 — Breslau 21.3.1919. German IE Scholar. Professor in Breslau. Son of Bernhard Schrader, a civil servant, and Amalie Krehan. Educated in Weimar, studies at Jena, Leipzig and Berlin. Ph.D. 1877 Leipzig. PD 1887 Jena. In 1877-1909 schoolteacher (Oberlehrer) at gymnasium in Jena, from 1890 also ao. Professor of Indogermanistik at Jena. From 1909 ord. Professor of Indogermanistik at Breslau. Hon. Dr.iur. Married 1879 Marie von Wilms, three daughters and one son.

Schrader combined the methods of archaeology, ethnology and linguistics in reconstruction of IE prehistory and was in his times very famous for this. He was also a scholar of Slavic and made fieldwork in Russia in 1902 and 1908. Among his students was A. Nehring.

Publications: Diss. Quaestionum dialectologicarum Graecarum particula. 69 p. Lp. 1877.

Sprachvergleichung und Urgeschichte. 10+490 p. Jena 1883, 2nd much rev. ed. 12+684 p. Jena 1890, 3rd ed. Jena 1906-07, also in English.

Linguistisch-historische Forschungen zur Handelsgeschichte und Warenkunde. 1. 12+291 p. Jena 1886.

New editions of V. Hehn’s Kulturpflanzen und Haustiere. 6th ed. 1894, 8th ed. 28+665 p. B. 1911.

Reallexikon der indogerm. Alterthumskunde. 40+1048 p. Strassburg 1901, 2nd ed. by A. Nehring. B. – Lp. 1917-29.

Die Indogermanen. 165 p. Wiss. und Bildung 77. Lp. 1911, and many editions, then rev. by H. Krahe (1935).

– Articles and reviews.

Sources: *A. Nehring, Idg. Jb. 7, 1919, 152-160; G. Schläger, Z. des Vereins für Volkskunde 29, 1919, 55f.; R. Schmitt, N.D.B. 23, 2007, 511f.; Stache-Weiske 2017, 558; O. Zeller, Problemgeschichte der vergleichenden (indogermanischen) Sprachwissenschaft. Osnabrück 1967, 125-135; *JRAS 1919, 306f.; briefly D.B.E. 9, 1998, 126; Wikipedia.

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