STREHLY, Georges. Alkirch, Alsace 19.6.1851 — 1906. French Indologist, Translator of Sanskrit Literature. After school in Paris studied from 1870 at École Normale Supérieure, then also Indology, first under Regnaud at Lyon, then under Bergaigne at É.P.H.É. In 1874-79 teacher in Saint-Étienne and Lyon, then in Paris at Collège Rollin (1879-86) and Lycée Louis-le-Grand (1886-1906). Agrégé of Sorbonne.
Publications: Translated: Madhava et Malati, drame de Bhavabhuti. 12+274 p. Bibl. orientale elzévirienne 42. P. 1885; Priyadarsika, pièce attribuée au roi Sriharshadeva. 88 p. Bibl. or. elz. P. 1888; Les lois de Manou. 23+402 p. A.M.G., B. d’Ét. 2. P. 1893, new ed. P. 2022.
– Introduction à l’étude de la langue latine. 104 p. P. 1881; L’Acrobatie et les Acrobats. 363 p. P. 1904; other works.
Sources: Catal. gén. de la librairie française 10, 1876-1885. P. 1887, and 12, 1886-1890. P. 1892 (no longer in later vols.) &; review of Manu by Regnaud, RHR 27, 1893, 367-369; Bongard-Levin, Lardinois & Vigasin 2002, 100; Wikipedia with photo.
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