STRANGE, Thomas W. L.

STRANGE, Thomas William Lumsden. Madras 4.1.1808 — Norwood, London 4.9.1884. British Civil Servant and Lawyer in India. Son of —> Thomas A. L. Strange (1756–1841) and Louisa Burroughs. “Educated at Westminster and Haileybury, 1824-26. Joined the Madras Civil Service, 1826. Was Commissioner to inquire into the Moplah disturbances in Malabar, 1852. Judge of the Sadr Court, and of the High Court, Madras, 1862.” Retired in 1863. Married 1840 Mary Rose Hodgson (née Tickell), one son.

Publications: Manual of Hindu Law. 1856, 2nd ed. 11+104 p. Madras 1863; much on Christian religion.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; J.M.W[heeler], D.N.B. 55, 1898, 28f.; Wikipedia (writing Lumisden instead of Lumsden for him and his father).

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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