SCHOTERMAN, Jan Anthony. Amersfoort 27.3.1948 — Amersfoort 29.6.1989. Dutch Indologist. Son of Willem Rudolf Sch. and Randi Oppedal. Educated in Amersfoort. In 1968-73 studies of Indo-Iranian and Dravidian at Utrecht, travelled in South and South-East Asia. Ph.D. 1982 Utrecht (under Bodewitz). Taught Indology at Utrecht, for a while also at Department of History and Phenomenology of Religions at University of Tilbury. Research scholar at Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology (KITLV), Leiden University, doing research on Indian impact in Indonesia. Died before finding a permanent position.

The main interests of Schoterman were Hindu Tantrism, especially of the Kubjikā school, and Indian influence in Indonesia. He was also a scholar of Tibetan and Newari.

Publications: “Some Remarks on the Kubjikāmatatantra”, ZDMG Suppl. 3, 1977, 932-940; “A Note on Balinese Sanskrit”, BTLV 135, 1979, 323-346; “A Link Between Purāṇa and Tantra: Agni-Purāṇa 143-149”, ZDMG Suppl. 4, 1980, 344-347; “A Magic Keris from Kalimantan”, D. J. Hoens Vol. 1983, 148-157; “The Image of Bhṛkuṭī in Meditation”, Claerhout (ed.), Antwerp’s Tibet Symposium 1971–1986. 1986, 83-94; and a few other articles.

The Yoni Tantra, critical edition and translation. N.D. 1980.

With H. I. R. Hinzler: Het Verhaal van Sumanā in Nepal. 40 p. Verhand. van het Etnogr. Museum van Antwerpen 5. Antwerpen 1980.

– “An introduction to Old Javanese Sanskrit dictionaries and grammars”, BTLV 137, 1981, 419-442; a few further articles.

– With A. Teeuw: “Jinārthiprakṛti: A Monk’s ABC”, J. Zoetmulder Vol. 1985, 202-239.

Diss. The Ṣaṭsāhasra Saṁhitā. Chapters 1–5. Edited, transl. & annotated. 242 p. Or. Rh.-Tr. 27. Ld. 1982.

Crit. edited with T. Goudriaan: The Kubjikāmatatantra: Kulālikāmnāya version. 571 p. Or. Rh.-Tr. 30. Ld. 1988; The Kubjikā Upaniṣad. Ed. with a transl., introd., notes and appendices. 180 p. Groningen Or. Series 10. Gr. 1994.

Sources: T. Goudriaan, IIJ 33, 1990, 277f., with bibliography; bibliography and photo in Dutch Studies on South Asia; parents in

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