BAYNES, Herbert Morton Walker. Kensington, Middlesex / Bayswater, Westminster 2.2.1855 — Cumberland / Manly, both in NSW, Australia 1.9.1928. British Scholar of Indian Religions, a Theosophist. In peoplepill briefly called “British Civil Servant and Orientalist”, and werelate adds “Translator in the High Court in London. Was fluent in 22 languages”. Son of John Ash B. and Sarah Ellen Tuckett. Living in London (1885/1909). He was a member of the R.A.S. from 1885, but resigned his membership in 1919 (perhaps moved then to Australia). Married 1880 Isabella Jane Jackson, four daughters, two sons.
Publications: Several works on religions, on Dante, Theosophical books and articles, etc.
– The evolution of religious thought in modern India. 128 p. L. 1889.
– “A Collection of Kammavācās”, JRAS 1892, 53-75 (text & transl.); “The Biography of B‘aga”, Actes du VIII Congrés des Orientalistes à Stockholm et Christiania 1889, III, section 2: Aryenne, 1893, 83-89; “A Buddhist illustrated MS. in Burmese”, Actes du X C. des Or. à Genève 1894, 127-136; “The Mirror of Truth or Bauddha Confession of Faith”, WZKM 10, 1896, 242-251.
– Text, translation & notes: “The Mandukya Upanishad”, IA 26, 1897, 169-176; “The Vajaseneya [!] Upanishad”, IA 26, 1897, 213-216.
– The Idea of God and the Moral Sense in the Light of Language. Being a Philological Enquiry Into the Rise and Growth of Spiritual and Moral Concepts. 1-2. L. 1895; Ideals of the East. 10+99 p. L. 1898 (Buddhism); The Way of the Buddha. 132 p. L. 1906 and several editions.
Sources: Works in the N.U.C.; life data in and in (same dates, but different places, given as second alternatives, family only in the first); not in the Br. Biogr. Arch.
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