BAZIN-FOUCHER, Émile Eugénie Marguerite Virginie (“Éna”). Chesnay (Yvelines) 7.10.1889 — 30.1.1952. French Art Historian. Originally studied English at Sorbonne, then 1915-18 Indology at E.P.H.E. under S. Lévi. She married —> A. Foucher in 1919 in Colombo, on way to India. Some say that she had apparently met him at the É.F.E.O. in Hanoi, but Fenet indicates that they left Paris together and embarked in Marseille. Years 1919-26 she spent with her husband in India and Afghanistan duly participating in his work, also translating his papers into English. Died a few months before him.

Publications: Diss. The English works of Mr Rabindra Nath Tagore: a Bengali poet and philosopher. 162 p. Paris n.d. (c. 1915).

Reviews and a few short articles: “Sur un monnaie du Pañcāla”, Mélanges R. Linossier 1932, 145-153; “Une représentation de Pancika et Hariti à Sanchi”, JA 223, 1933, 349-350; “Le nom scythique de Poséidôn (tel qu’il est rapporté au chap. 59 du lettre IV d’Hérodote)”, BEFEO 44, 1947-50, 13-20; a review of four books on Hellenism and Iran ( Tarn 1938), JA 230, 1938, 501-528.

Two contributions in H. Massé, La civilisation iranienne. P. 1952 (“Voyageurs européens en Afghanistan au XIXe siècle”, 307-311, and “ L’œuvre de la Délégation archéologique française en Afghanistan”, 315-320).

Collaborated with her husband in his La Vieille route de l’Inde. 1-2. P. 1942-47.

Sources: A. Fenet, “De la Sorbonne à l’Asie. Routes orientalistes d’Ena B.-F. (1889–1952)”, Voyageuses et histoire(s) 2:2, 2011 in (with many quotations from their letters); some notes in connection of her husband.

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