STÜBE, Rudolf

STÜBE, Rudolf Heinrich Karl. Behren-Lübchin, Mecklenburg-Schwerin 27.7.1870 — 1930. German Historian of Religion. In 1890-94 studies of theology and Oriental languages at Rostock, Halle ( under Pischel) and Berlin. Ph.D.1894 and cand. theol. 1897 Halle. Worked as schoolteacher (Oberlehrer) in Leipzig, continuing his studies.

Publications: Diss. Jüdisch-babylonische Zaubertexte. 33 p. 1895.

Wrote much on religions (Christian, Semitic, Chinese) and on the history of writing; translated books of Barthold, Söderblom, et al.

Sources: (stops after 1906).

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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