ST. BARBE, Henry Lewis (Louis, born as H. L. St.B. Browne). 1849? — ?.3.1886. British Civil Servant in Burma. Son of Colonel William Browne. Educated at Rugby. Studies at Brasenose College, Oxford from 1868 (when 19). Joined I.C.S. and changed his name in 1870. Political Agent at Bhamo in the 1870s, then stationed in Mandalay. Killed by dacoits in Bassein district.
Publications: “Pali Derivations in Burmese”, JASB 48:1, 1879, 253-257.
– Edited in Pali: “The Namakkára, with Translation and Commentary”, JRAS 15, 1883, 213-220.
Sources: Alumni Oxonienses (with approximate birth year); Rugby School Register 2, 1902, 207; death in H.T. White, A Civil Servant in Burma. L. 1913, 141; briefly by E. Chew in Journal of Southeast Asian History 10, 1969, 253ff. (note 14); portrait in
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