BEAMAN, George Burnham. Cincinnati, Ohio 1.4.1870 — 12.2.1942. U.S. Teacher and Student of Indology in Germany. Son of Rev. Edmund B., a Swedenborgian minister, and Sarah Parsons. Educated in Cincinnati, studies at University of Cincinnati (B.A. 1893). In August 1893 left for Europe, studied first at Jena, and from 1894 at Leipzig (under Windisch). Ph.D. 1895 Leipzig. Back in the U.S.A. he became schoolteacher of German in Philadelphia. According to the births of children lived in Philadelphia (1898) and Waltham, Middlesex, Mass. (1901/09). Married 1897 with Mary Burnham, at least two daughters and two sons.
Publications: Diss. On the sources of the Dharmaśāstras of Manu and Yājñavalkya. 47 p. Lp. 1895.
Sources: Vita in the diss., nothing more in the N.U.C. Not in the Who Was Who in Am.; death and family data at and some additions in other genealogical pages.
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