STCHOUKINE, Ivan (Ivan Vasil’evič [Sergeevič?] Ščukin). 1886 — Beirut ?.10.1975. Russian Art Historian in France. Son of textile merchant and art collector Vasilij Ščukin (in one source Sergej, 1854–1936). After revolution settled in Paris, now studies under Pelliot, Foucher, et al. After doctorate in 1929 concentrated on Islamic art, visited Istanbul and Cairo and later moved to Beirut. Died with his wife in an aviation accident.

Publications: Diss. on art History in Paris 1929: La peinture indienne à l’époque des grands Moghols. 5+216 p. 100 pl. Études d’art et d’archéologie. P. 1929; Les miniatures indiennes de l’époque des grands Moghols. 5+216 p. 20 pl. Études d’art et d’archéologie. P. 1929.

– “La peinture de l’Inde antique d’après les témoignaces littéraires”,  RAA 4, 1927, 146-152.

– “Portraits moghols: I. Deux Darbār de Jahāngīr”, RAA 6, 1929-30, 212-241 & 7, 1931-32, 163-176, 233-243; “II. Le portrait sous Jahāngīr”,  RAA 8, 1933, 163-176, 1 pl.; “III. Un Darbār de Jahāngīr dans le Guzl Khāneh”, RAA 8, 1933, 233-243, 2 pl.; “IV. La collection du baron Maurice de Rotschild”, RAA 9, 1935, 190-208, 5 pl.

Also wrote much on Persian and Islamic art, articles in Arts as. (upto 1976).

Sources: J. Auboyer, Arts as. 33, 1977, 213f. with bibliography; bibliography in Syria 49, 1972, 247-251; F. Richard, D.O.L.F. 911; French Wikipedia on Sergueï Chtchoukine names him as the father of Ivan, mother was Lydia Grigor’evna Koreneva.

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