BECCARINI-CRESCENZI, Elena. 18?? — 19??. Italian Poet and Translator interested in Sanskrit. Born of (or married to) an old noble family of Siena. A student of Pavolini, graduated 1915. Then lived in Frascati. Still active in the 1950s.
Publications: Translated: “Il dramma della Sacra di Rāma (Abhiṣekanāṭaka) composito dal poeta Bhāsa”, GSAI 27, 1915, 1-79; “L’“Avimāraka” di Bhāsa”, GSAI 28, 1916-17, 1-40.
– “Il bambino nella letteratura indiana”, Rivista d’Italia 19:9, 1916, 372-388.
– “Divagazioni panteistiche. La poesia di Tagore”, Vita e pensiero 22:11, 1931, 676-684.
– Italian translation of Dickens’ David Copperfield (1954) and Longfellow’s The Song of Hiawatha (1920), also translations from Russian.
Sources: Small hints from internet book catalogues;
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