SCHRADER, Friedrich

SCHRADER, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich. Wolmirstedt, Prussia (now Sachsen-Anhalt) 19.11.1865 — Berlin 28.8.1922. German Oriental Scholar, Art Historian and Journalist. Educated in Magdeburg, studies at Halle (also art history). Ph.D. 1889 Halle under Pischel. In 1889-91 librarian of D.M.G. In 1891 moved to Constantinople and worked there as college teacher of German, from 1900 also as journalist. He was a Social Democrat and strongly criticised the imperial German politics with Ottoman Empire. In 1907-08 teacher in Baku, now became also interested in Iran. Then again as journalist in Constantinople until 1918. In 1917-18 member of the Constantinople Municipal Commission for the Registration and Listing of Islamic and Byzantine monuments. After German capitulation escaped to Odessa and then to Germany. Last years journalist in Berlin. Married Puline Juliane (Lina) Radtke (1864–1902) and 1903 Fanny Christine Goldstein (1873–1919, a Sephardic Jew from Bulgaria), one son with each wife.

Publications: Diss. Der Karmapradīpa. 1. Prapāṭhaka mit Auszügen aus dem Kommentaren des Âçārka. Hrsg. u. übers. 54 p. Halle 1889.

Articles on Turkey and translations from Turkish; Konstantinopel in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Tübingen 1917; Eine Flüchtlingsreise durch die Ukraine: Tagebuchblätter meiner Flucht aus Konstantinopel. Tübingen 1919.

Sources: Diss. in Janert:; Wikipedia (more in German version with photo and further references).

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