SCHRÖTER, Julius Erich. 1868 — 19??. German Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1900 Leipzig. Apparently active in 1909, possibly as librarian in Leipzig. U. Wokoeck, German Orientalism. has librarian E.S. living in 1868–1965, but the librarian E.S. who died 1965 was born in 1894 ( He came from Leipzig, true, and worked then many years in Neukölln, Berlin, and was considered in GDR to be an important figure in the development of Socialist librarianship. The 13. Jahresberichtüber das städtische Realgymnasium zu Borna 1885/86 (online) knows one J.E.S. who was then in oberprima, born in Borna near Leipzig as the son of an industrialist. He must be the right one, but does not help further.
Publications: Diss. Pāśakakevalī, ein indisches Würfelorakel. Mit Einl. und Anm. hrsg. 24+38 p. Borna 1900; compiled some bibliographical notes for IF.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet.
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