LANDOR, Arnold Henry Savage

LANDOR, Arnold Henry Savage. Florence 2.6.1865 — Florence 26.12.1924. British Painter, Writer and Traveller. Son of Charles Savage L. and grandson of the poet Walter S.L. (1775–1864), he spent his childhood in Florence, studied art in Paris and as a painter travelled around the world. In 1897 he made an attempt to go to Tibet from south, but was arrested by Tibetans and after much mishandling sent back. After Boxer rising he was in China and in 1901 rode through Persia from Russia to India. He visited Ethiopia and participated in WW I. Last years living in Florence. He was an eccentric and the reliability of his accounts has been questioned. Details of his travel books, illustrated with photographs taken by himself, are often less reliable (Hopkirk).

Publications: In the Forbidden Land. 1-2. ill. L. 1898.

– Tibet and Nepal. 233 p. 75 pl. L. 1905.

Across Coveted Lands: or, a Journey from Flushing (Holland) to Calcutta Overland. 1-2. ill. L. 1902.

– Everywhere. The Memoirs of an Explorer. 586 p. L. 1924; other travel books.

Sources: Hopkirk, Trespassers 114-136; Wikipedia with two photos and a caricature; life by Piero Fusi with 3 photos and many of his paintings as illustration in

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