BERGH VAN EYSINGA, Gustaaf Adolf van den. ’s-Gravenhage 27.6.1874 — Bloemendaal, North Holland 26.5.1957. Dutch Protestant Theologian and Scholar of Comparative Religion. Son of ajunctcommies M. H. Ph. v.d. B. v. E. (until 1867 v.d. B. only) and Ida Catharina Wilhelmina van E., brother of theologian Henri Wilhelm Philip Elise van den B. van E. (1868-1924). Gymnasium in Sneek, from 1893 studied theology at Leiden. Dr.Theol. 1901 Leiden. Ordained as priest 1901, worked as minister in Oss in 1901-11, in Helmond 1911-15, and in Santpoort 1915-36. From 1935 eo. Professor of New Testament and Comparative Religion at Amsterdam, retired in 1944. In 1944-57 taught at Utrecht as Docent. Married 1906 with Jeannette Elias, three daughters.
He was a leading member of the radical school, who entirely denied the historicity of Jesus (without rejecting religion), and cautiously accepted some Buddhist elements in the N.T.
Publications: Much on New Testament exegetics and theology.
– Indische Invloeden op onde Christelijke Verhaken. 8+140 p. Diss. theol. Leiden 1901; German tr. Indische Einflüsse auf evangelische Erzählungen. 104 p. Göttingen 1904.
– Articles on ancient Indo-Western contacts in religion and philosophy.
Sources: Grote Winkler Prins Encyclopedia 9th ed., 4, 1990; G.W. Drost, Biogr. Woordenboek van Ned. 4, 1994, 25-27; German Wikipedia with photo (English and Dutch much shorter).
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