MASING, Uku (from 1937, born Hugo Albert M.). Lipa, Raikküla, Rapla district 11.8.1909 — Tartu 25.4.1985. Estonian Polyglot and Religious Philosopher. Son of Ado (Aadu) Masing and Anna Furman. From 1928 studied theology at Tartu (M.A. 1930). In 1930-33 further studies at Tübingen and Berlin, then taught theology and Semitic languages at Tartu until the German occupation. He disliked Germans and helped Jews during the war. In 1946-64 worked as study secretary of Estonian Lutheran Church, also taught Judaism and Buddhism as Docent at Tartu. A polyglot who knew many languages, including Sanskrit. Married 1939 Eha Tuulemaa (born Gnadenteich, 1912–1998).
Publications: Translated in Estonian: Vetāla kakskümmendviis juttu. Sanskriti keelest tolkinud L. Mäll ja V. Masing (värsid). 127 p. Tallinn 1969 (Vetālapañcaviṁśati, transl. by Mäll, verses by U.M.).
– Much on Christian and comparative religions,
– Wrote poetry and one novel, translations, essays and reviews, mainly before WW II; in late years wrote much about Finno-Ugric, Samoyedic and Caucasian folklore..
Sources: *U.M. 100. Bibliograafia 1923-2009. 380 p. Tartu 2010; Wikipedia with photo (more in German and especially in Estonian version).
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