MATICS, Marion Leonidas, Jr. Suffolk, Virginia 13.7.1917 — N.Y. 21.11.1998. Rev. U.S. Buddhist Scholar. Son the elder of M.L. Matics (1884–1961) and Elizabeth Parker (1892–1922). Ph.D. 1960 Columbia University. Episcopalian priest, served in several parishes, then Rector of Christ Church in Bayridge, Brooklyn, retired 1983. Also taught Oriental philosophy at Columbia University and Brooklyn College. Married with Eleanor Stone Gifford, one daughter.
Publications: Diss. Bodhicitta and bodhisattva; a study of the Bodhicaryavatara of Santideva. Manuscript of 393 p. 1960.
– Transl.: Entering the Path of Enlightenment; the Bodhicaryāvatāra of the Buddhist poet Śāntideva. 318 p. L. 1971.
– The Pilgrimage to Dharamsala and other poems. 106 p. Bangkok 1985.
Sources: Dates and parents in; short obituary in and in
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