BERNŠTAM, Aleksandr Natanovič

BERNŠTAM, Aleksandr Natanovič. Kerch (Kerč), Crimea 1.(14.)10.1910 — Leningrad 10.12.1956 (when 47). Russian Central Asian Archaeologist. Educated in Sevastopol. Graduated 1931 from Leningrad Inst. of History, Philology and Linguistics. Kand. ist. nauk 1935, Dr. ist. n. 1943. In 1932-35 naučnyj sotrudnik at Hermitage, 1934-56 at Academy of History of Material Culture. Member of Communist Party 1940. Professor from 1947 in Leningrad. Married, at least one daughter, ethnographist Tat’jana B. (1935–2008).

Bernštam led twenty archaeo­logical expeditions to Soviet Central Asia. He knew well Turkish and Chinese, and tried always to explain the historical context of the finds from texts. His interests ranged from the bronze age to the 18th century. Found the necropoleis of the Pamir and the Central Asian Saka culture.

Publications: Diss. Istorija Kyrgyz i Kirgiz stana s drevnejših vremen do mongol’skago zavoevanija. 1-2. 350 p. Manuscript 1943.

Edited works of Bičurin and Bartol’d. Articles on the origin of the Turks, etc. in KSIIMK, VDI, etc.

Arheologičeskij očerk Severnoj Kirgizii. 110 p. Frunze 1941; Istoriko-kul’turnoe prošloe Severnoj Kirgizii po materialam bol’šogo Čujskogo kanala. 67 p. Frunze 1943; Social’no-èkonomičeskij stroj orhono-enisejskih tjurkov VI-VIII vv. 207 p. M.-Lg. 1946; Arhitekturnye pamjatniki Kirgizii. 146 p. M.-Lg. 1950; Drevnjaja Fergana. 47 p. Taškent 1951; Očerk istorii gunnov. 256 p. Lg. 1951 (Hist. of the Huns).

Istoriko-arheologičeskie očerki central’nogo Tjan’-Šanja i Pamiro Altaja. 347 p. M.-Lg. 1952

Sources: Miliband 1995; Ghirshman, Art. As. 20, 1957, 187; *bibliography of 250 titles by S. Tolstov, Ethnogr. Soviétique 1, 1957, 180-183; Russian Vikipedija with photo and further Russian references.

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