BERTHOLET, Alfred Robert Felix. Basel 9.11.1868 — Münsterlingen, Thurgau 24.8.1951. Swiss Reformed Theologian and Scholar of Comparative Religion in Germany. Professor in Göttingen and Berlin. Son of David B., a school director, and Sabine Wagner. Studies of Theology at Basel, also briefly at Strasbourg and Berlin (under B. Duhm). From 1896 PD at Basel, then 1899 ao. and 1905 ord. Professor. After brief time at Tübingen (1913), in 1914-28 Professor of Exegesis and History of Religions at Göttingen, then the same at Berlin until 1939. After WW II returned to Basel, from 1948 also teaching there. Married 1906 Salome Schmid, two daughters.

Publications: Buddhismus und Christentum. 64 p. Tübingen & Lp. 1902.

Der Buddhismus und seine Bedeutung für unser Geistesleben. 65 p. Tübingen & Lp. 1904.

Seelenwanderung. 62 p. Religionsgeschichtliche Volksbücher 3:2. Halle 1904.

Der Buddhismus im Abendland der Gegenwart. 40 p. Tübingen 1928.

Much on religion, on Christianity and O.T. exegesis; Kulturgeschichte Israels. 294 p. Göttingen 1919 (famous work); editor of Religionsgeschichtliche Lesebuch.

Sources: Ph. Meyer, N.D.B. 2, 1955, 168; H.-P. Mathys in Web HistLexSchweiz; German Wikipedia.

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