BEVERIDGE, Annette Susannah (née Akroyd). Stourbridge, Worcestershire 13.12.1842 — London 27.3.1929. British Oriental (Persian and Eastern Turkish) Scholar. Wife of —> Henry B. (the younger). Daughter of William Akroyd, an industrialist from Yorkshire, she was educated at Bedford College in London in 1862-67. In 1872 left for India to work as a girls’ teacher. Married 1875 H.B., one daughter and one son. Now she started the study of Persian, later also of Eastern Turkish. Although she collaborated with her husband, she was independent in her researches, and published their results under her own name. At the time of her death she was preparing an edition of the Humāyūn-nāme.
Publications: Three articles in CR, four in JRAS (on Bâbur-nâme).
– Translated and revised Count Noer’s The emperor Akbar. A contribution towards the history of India in the 16th century. 1-2. 404+454 p. Calcutta 1890.
– The Bâbar-nâma being the Autobiography od Emperor Bâbar.Written in Chaghatay Turkish. Facs. ed. Gibb Mem. Series. Leiden & L. 1905;
– The Bābur-nāma in English (Memoirs of Bābur), Translated from the original Turki of Ẓahiru’d-dīn Muḥammad Bābur Bādshāh Ghāzī. 1-2. 880 p. L. 1912-21.
– Translated from Persian: The History of Humāyūn (Humāyūn-nāma) by Gul Badan Begum. 331 p. L. 1902; Bibi Brooke, The Key to the Hearts of Beginners. L. 1908.
Sources: A.G.E., JRAS 1829, 729; Bibliography in JRAS 1930, 226f; *Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia; *M.A. Scherer, “Woman to Woman: Annette, the Princess, and the Bibi”, JRAS 3rd S. 6, 1996, 197-220.
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