PEPPE, Thomas Frazer. Scotland 1826/33 (not 1839/44) — Ranchi, India 4.6.1907. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India, interested in Archaeology and Photography. Son of George Peppe (1785–1837, as he died in 1837, the birth years 1839 and 1844 are impossible) and Janet Thomson, brother of —> William G. Peppe. In 1865 served in Bengal Opium Department, in 1870 photographed the ruins in Bodh Gaya. Last years seriously ill. Married 1863 Jessie Braidwood, six children.
Publications: Letters on the antiquities of Gaya, ProcASB 1865, 80-82, 150-153, 162f. (with C. Horne); Letter accompanying a set of 148 photographs of temples, etc., in Behar, ProcASB 1871, 251-276.
Sources:; stray notes in Internet.
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