PIČIKJAN, Igor’ Rubenovič

PIČIKJAN, Igor’ Rubenovič. Tbilisi 3.7.1940 — Berlin 24.7.1997. Russian Archaeologist of Central Asia. Son of an army physician. After studies in Moscow graduated 1967 and worked in northern Black Sea area and Moscow museums. Kand. filol. nauk 1975, Dr. ist. nauk 1992. From 1977 naučnyj sotrudnik of Soviet Academy and Field Director of Archaeology in Tadjikistan. Excavations at Takht-i Sangin in southern Tadjikistan in collaboration with B. A. Litvinskij in 1976-91.

Publications: Kand.diss. Antičn. ordern. arhitektura Sev. Pričernomor’ja. Manuscript of 196 p. M. 1975.

– With B. A. Litvinskij: “The Temple of the Oxus”, JRAS 1981, 133-167 & “Monuments of Art from the Sanctuary of Oxus (North Bactria)”, AAHu  28, 1980 (publ. 1983), 25-83.

–  Malaja Azija–Severnoe Pričernomor’e: antičnye tradicii i vlijanija. 195 p. Moscow 1984.

Kul’tura Baktrii. Ahemenidskij i èllenističeskij periody. 343 p. Moscow 1991 (accepted as dr. diss.).

With B. A. Litvinskij: Èllenističeskij hram Oksa v Baktrii (Južnyj Tadžikistan). 1. Raskopki, Arhitektura, religioznaja žizn’. 664 p. Moscow 2000 and 2. Baktrijskoe vooruženie v drevnevostočnom i grečeskom kontekste. Moscow 2001.

– With B. A. Litvinskij: Takht-i Sangin. Der Oxus-Tempel. Mainz 2002.

Many articles, also in English and French.

Sources: Miliband 1995; *J.G. Vinogradov, VDI 1998:2, 208f. with photo; briefly in German Wikipedia (as Pitschikjan).

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