PIET, John Henry

PIET, John Henry. Grand Rapids, Michigan 2.9.1914 — Holland, Michigan 16.10.1992. Rev. U.S. Missionary and Scholar of Religion. Minister of the Reformed Church in America. Son of Reinder Piet and Gesina Johanna Charlotta Brinkman. Studies at Hope College (graduated A.B. 1936) and Princeton Theological Seminary. B.D. 1939 Western Theological Seminary. S.T.M. Hartford Foundation. Ph.D. Columbia. In 1940-60 missionary in Vellore, South India. In 1960-84 Professor of English Bible and Mission at Western Theological Seminary. In retirement, 1985-87 pastor of the Protestant congregation of Kathmandu, Nepal, and 1987-89 of the Yokohama Union Church. Married 1939 Carrie Wilma van der Wende (1915–1982), two children, and 1983 Ann Bajema. Interested in Śaivasiddhānta and Vaiṣṇavism.

Publications: Theological works.

Sources: Who’s Who in Tamil Research 1968; myheritage.com; http://digitalcommons.hope.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1648&context=collection_registers with photo.

Last Updated on 6 months by Admin


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