POELMEIJER, Ronald Herman

POELMEIJER, Ronald Herman. Amsterdam 12.7.1946 — Amsterdam 30.6.1993. Dutch Tibetologist. Son of Hermanus P. and Lena Cornelia Hund. Studied Indology and Tibetan at Amsterdam, then Lecturer of Tibetan at Leiden. Never completed his doctorate.

Publications: Reviews and popular articles.

– With Ria Kloppenborg, “Visualizations in Buddhist Meditation”, Dirk van der Plas (ed.), Effigies Dei: essays on the history of religions (Studies in the history of religions. Suppl. to Numen 51. Leiden, 1987, 83-96.

Sources: Kern Bibliography of Dutch Indology with small photo; genealogieonline.nl.

Last Updated on 6 months by Admin


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