BINGLEY, Alfred Horsford. Cranleigh, Surrey 28.5.1865 — Surrey 20.4.1944. Sir. British Colonial Officer. Son of Peregrine Taylor B. and Alice Austin, educated at Kensington School and Sandhurst. Served in India from 1887. In 1901-11 served at Army Headquarters. Lieutenant General 1920, retired 1921. C.I.E. 1909. K.C.I.E. 1918. Married 1893 Mabel Catherine Way.
Publications: With A. Nicholls: Brahmans. 2+56+3+3 p. Caste handbooks for the Indian Army. Simla 1897.
– With F. Bremner: Types of the Indian Army Illustrating the Races Enlisted in the Bengal, Punjab, Madras & Bombay Armies. 6 p. 60 photogr. Quetta 1897; with accompanying vol. by B. Notes on the warlike races of India and its frontiers. 64 p. L. 1897.
– Sikhs, their origin, history, religion, customs, fairs and festivals.21+112+9 p. Simla 1899, repr. 30+152 p. N.D. 1984.
– Rajputs. 204 p. Handbooks. Simla 1899; Dogras. Simla 1899; Jats, Gujars, Ahirs. 141 p. Calcutta 1904
– With A. B. Longden: Dogras. 5+103 p. Class handbooks for the Indian Army. Calcutta 1910.
Sources:; Indian Biographical Dictionary 1915; stray notes in Internet; three portraits in
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