POTT, Pieter Hendrik

POTT, Pieter Hendrik. Groningen 3.10.1918 — Driebergen-Rijsenburg, prov. Utrecht 29.7.1989. Dutch Archaeologist, Indologist, Tibetologist and South-East Asian Scholar. In 1938-46 studies of Indonesian languages at Utrecht (with interruptions caused by war) intending to serve in colonial administration. Ph.D. 1946 Leiden (under Bosch). In 1945-60 conservator (part-time) of the Kern Institute and in 1947-55 curator (part-time) of the Indian section in Museum of Ethnology, Leiden. In 1955-82 director of the Museum of Ethnology. In 1973-83 also eo. Professor of Museology at Leiden. A Freemason.

Publications: “A remarkable piece of Tibetan ritual painting and its meaning”, IAE 43, 1943, 215-241.

Diss. Yoga en Yantra en hunne beteekenis voor de indische archaeologie. 14+1?? p. 15 pl. Leiden 1946, English tr.: Yoga and Yantra. Their interrelation and their significance to Indian archaeology. Tr. by R. Needham. 15+167 p. 15 pl. the Hague 1966.

Introduction to the Tibetan Collection of the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden. 184 p. 32 pl. Leiden 1951.

– “Le bouddhisme de Java et l’ancienne civilisation javanaise”, G. Coedès et al., Conferenze tenute all’Is.M.E.O. S.O.R 5. Roma 1952, 109-156.

– “Willem Verstegen, een extra-ordinaris Raad van Indië als avonturier in India in 1659”, BKI 112:4, 1956, 355-382, English translation “Willem Verstegen: an extraordinary member of the Council of the East Indies as adventurer in India in 1659”, M.A.P. Meilink-Roelofsz et al. (ed.), Dutch authors on Asian history: a selection of Dutch historiography on the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Dordrecht & Providence. 1988, 331-360.

– “Die Kunst Tibets”, Kunst der Welt: Burma Korea Tibet. Baden-Baden 1963, 153-254, also in English, French and Dutch editions.

– “Das grössere Indien: Ausstrahlungen und Wandlungen”, Kulturgeschichte der Welt: Asien Afrika Amerika. Braunschweig 1966, 285-328.

– “The Amoghapāśa from Bhatgaon and its Parivāra”, JISOA N.S. 4, 1971-72, 63-65.

– Short articles, Indonesian studies, museum publications, articles on freemasonry.

Sources: R. Webb, Buddhist Studies Review 7, 1990, 99f.; Dutch Indology homepage; photo in Gonda, Indology in the Netherlands. 1964.

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