BLAQUIERE, William Coates. 1759 (?) — Calcutta 14.8.1853. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Jacques/Jacob Bl. Came to India with his merchant father in 1777. He is said then to be of 13, which makes the year of birth too early (note also the late death). Worked then as interpreter to the Supreme Court, police magistrate and Justice of the Peace in Calcutta. Married, one daughter, one son. In the late 1790s he apparently planned a Sanskrit dictionary a grammar, but they never appeared
Publications: “The Rudhirádhyáyă, or sanguinary chapter; translated from the Calica Puran”, As.Res. 5, 1798 = 8vo repr. 1799, 369-391.
Sources: Not mentioned by Kejariwal;
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