BLAU, Otto

BLAU, Ernst Otto Friedrich August. Nordhausen, Thüringen 21.4.1828 — Odessa 26.2.1879. German Diplomat and Oriental Scholar. Son of Christian Friedrich Blau (teacher, later superintendent). After school in Pforta studies of theology at Halle, soon Oriental languages at Leipzig. Ph.D. Leipzig 1855. Entered early diplomatic career: from 1852 in Constantinople (in Prussian embassy), 1857 in Persia, 1858 in Trapezunt (Trebzon), 1861 in Bosnia. From 1864 Prussian Consul in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 1870 Generalkonsul, from 1873 the same in Odessa, where committed suicide. Interested in languages and numismatics.

Publications: Diss. De nummis Achaemenidarum aramaeo-persicis. 18 p. 2 pl. Lp. 1855.

– “Das Albanesische als Hülfsmittel zur Erklärung der Lykischen Inscriften”, ZDMG 17, 1863, 649-672; “Ueber einen aramäisch-persischen Siegelstein”, ZDMG 18, 1864, 299f.; “Ueber Mirchond’s Arsacidenchronik”, Ibid. 680-690.

Commercielle Zustände Persiens. 272 p. B. 1858; Bosnisch-türkische Sprachdenkmäler. 316 p. Lp. 1868; Reisen in Bosnien und Hertzegowina. 231 p. B. 1877.

– “Altarabische Sprachstudien”, ZDMG 25, 1871, 525-592 & 27, 1873, 295-363; other articles on Arabic in ZDMG 22, 1868; 23, 1869, etc.; numismatic articles.

Sources: Dates in Heyne, Datenbuch; works in the N.U.C. Poggendorf in Dt. Biogr. Archiv 2nd Ser.; V. Hantzsch, A.D.B. 47, 1903, 12-14; German Wikipedia.

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