BLAU, August

BLAU, August. 1858 — 11.7.1926. German Indologist. Librarian in Berlin. “Mediohusanus.” Studies at Jena, 1883 Ph.D. in classical philology. In 1883-84 assistant (Volontär) in Breslau University Library, then at Göttingen University Library, from 1892 Librarian of Berlin University Library (from 1902 Oberbibliothekar). Probably he was Cappeller’s student in Indology as this advised him to compile the Böhtlingk index. Together with Cappeller he also contributed to Monier William’s Sanskrit Dictionary in the 1890s.

Publications: Diss. De Aristarchi discipulis. 78 p. Jena 1883.

– “Verzeichniss der Handschriftenkataloge der deutschen Bibliotheken”, Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 3, 1886, 50 p.

Index zu Böhtlingk’s Indische Sprüchen. 110 p. AKM 9. Lp. 1893 (analytic index).

– “Das Bharatopâkhyâna des Viṣṇu-Purâṇa”, Festschrift A. Wilmans. 1903, 205-228 (ed., transl. & notes); “Purāṇische Streifen I. Der Itihāsa von Saraṇyū in seiner Fortbildung durch die Purāṇa”, ZDMG 62, 1908, 337-357.

Sources: No vita in his diss., works in the Ges.Vz; *A. Habermann, R. Klemmt & F. Siefkes, Lexikon der deutschen wissenschaftlichen Bibliothekare 1925-1980. Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, Sonderheft 24. Frankfurt am Main 1985.

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