BLOMBERG, Carl Johan

BLOMBERG, Carl Johan. Ljusdal, Hälsingland 29.5.1838 — Härnösand 15.3.1890. Swedish Schoolteacher interested in Sanskrit. Teacher in Härnösand. Son of post master Carl Ludvig Bl. and Mathilda Caspolin.. From 1855 studies at Uppsala, 1863 fil.kand., 1965 diss., 1866 Ph.D. In 1869-70 in France, Germany, and England. Began his career as a school teacher already during study time, from 1870 teacher of Swedish and philosophy in Härnösand until his death. In 1870-80 also the editor of the newspaper Härnösands-posten and member of the town council, from 1882 member of the parliament. Married 1880 Maria Amalia Karolina Hallström (1853–1918).

Blomberg was a talented linguist, who knew many languages. In Sanskrit he was more or less autodidact and never published anything, but his posthumous papers in Uppsala testify of the thoroughness of his studies. According to Charpentier, especially the lexical notes on MIA were certainly worth of publishing, when they were made. These papers contain also a good, but unfinished translation of the Vikramorvaśīya and some Rigvedic hymns in Swedish. He also planned to write a history of the art of writing, an etymological dictionary of Swedish, etc.

Publications: Diss. Bidrag till den germaniska omljudsläran med hufvudsakligt afseende på Forn-Norskan. 74 p. Uppsala 1865.

A few studies on Swedish dialects (e.g. of Ångermanland); “Om qvantitet och accent i de indisk-europeiska språken”, Bilaga till Inbjudning till bivistande af årsexamen vid h. elem. lärov. i Hernösand. 70 p. H. 1877.

Sources: Charpentier, “Indologiska studier i Sverige”, Svenska Orientsällsk. Årsbok 1924, 65f.; H. Geijer, Sv. biogr. lex. 5, 1925, 27-32 with photo; *G. Wikmark, Carl Johan Blomberg. En språkforskares studieår och livsgärning. 289 p. Uppsala 1981; briefly in Swedish Wikipedia with photo.

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