BLUMHARDT, James Fuller. Bengal 1844? — Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire 10.12.1922. British Indologist (NIA Scholar). M.A. First in I.C.S. in Bengal, then served long time in British Museum in the Dept. of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books. Also Lecturer in Bengali at Cambridge in 1883-88 (1883-84 also in Marathi), then at London University College. Professor of Hindustani and Reader of Hindi at University College, London. It seems to be extremely difficult to find any information about this industrious, but apparently reticent man.

Publications: Vocabulary of words in the text of the Charitābalī of Īsvarachandra Vidyāsāgara. 56 p. L. 1883; Hindustani Self-Taught. 112 p. L. 1915.

Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. 9+150 p. L. 1886; Catalogue of Hindustani Printed Books in the Library of the Br. M. 6+458 p. L. 1889; Catalogue of Marathi and Gujarati Printed Books in the Library of the Br. M. 232+296 p. L. 1892; Catalogue of Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, and Pushtu Printed Books in the Library of the Br. M. L. 1893; Supplementary Catalogue of Hindustani Printed Books, 1889-1908. L. 1909; British Museum. Supplementary Catalogue of Bengali Books, 1886-1910. 470 col. L. 1910; Supplementary Catalogue of Hindi Printed Books, 1893-1912. L. 1913; Supplementary Catalogue of Marathi and Gujarati Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. L. 1915.

Catalogue of the Hindi, Panjabi and Hindustani MSS. in the Library of the British Museum. 12+84 p. L. 1899; Catalogue of the Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Pushtu, and Sindhi MSS. in the Library of the Br. M. L. 1905;

Catalogue of the Library of the India Office. Vol. II:2: Hindustani Books. L. 1900; Vol. II:3. Hindi, Panjabi, Pushtu, and Sindhi Books. L. 1902; Vol. II:4. Bengali, Oriya, and Assamese Books. L. 1905; Vol. II:4 Supplement, 1906-20. Bengali Books. 523 p. L. 1923; Vol. IV:5. Marathi and Gujarati Books. L. 1908.

Catalogues of Indo-Aryan Vernacular MSS. belonging to the Library of the India Office: Catalogue of Bengali and Assamese MSS. Catalogue of Oriya MSS. 7+21,7+24 p. Oxford 1924; Catalogue of the Hindustani MSS. in the Library of India Office. 12+171 p. L. 1926; Catalogue of the Gujarati and Rajasthani MSS. in the India Office. Rev. & enl. by A. Master. 167 p. L. 1954.

With L. D. Barnett & J. V. S. Wilkinson: A Second Supplementary Catalogue of Printed Books in Hindi, Bihari and Pahari in the Library of British Museum. 1678 col. L. 1957.

– Completed by D. N. MacKenzie: Catalogue of Pashto manuscripts in the libraries of the British Isles. 10+147 p. L. 1965.

Sources: Who Was Who 1916–28 briefly (the only source in Br. Biogr. Arch. 2nd Series); works in the *N.U.C. (but not the year of birth).

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