BLUNT, James Tillyer. 1765/67 (bapt. All Saints, Fulham, Middlesex 26.5.1767) — 20.10.1834 (buried in Exeter). British Officer in India, visited and described Delhi. Son of Richard Tillyer Blunt. Educated at Merchant Taylors School, cadet 1782, arrived in Bengal 1783. Served in Bengal Engineers as ensign, assisted Reuben Burrow in geographical survey and participated in 1791-92 Mysore war. Then surveyed north-west India and 1895-96 Bengal. Lieutenant 1796, barrack-master of Fort William 1798. In 1803-05 participated in the conquest of Cuttack. Captain 1807, retired 1809 and settled in Heavitree, Exeter. His will of 1834 is in Kew National Archives, then he was retired of E.I.C. military service. Also 31 water-colour landscapes by him are preserved. Married 1796 Mary Bristol (d. 1849), three daughters and one son.
Publications: “A description of the Cuttub Minar”, As. Res. 4, 1795, 8° repr. 1798, 323-328, 1 pl.
– “Narrative of a Route from Chunarghar to Yertnagodum in the Ellore Circar”, As. Res. 7, 1801, 8° repr. 1803, 57-169.
Sources: The East India Military Calendar 3, 1825, 290-294;; years in P. Harrington, Plassey 1757. 1994, 91 (but born 1765) and Not in the D.N.B., nor in Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st & 2nd series, no works in B.L.C.
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