BOULNOIS, Jean Raymond Paul. 19.3.1904 — Philippeville, Algeria 1956. French Physician interested in India. Dr.Med. 1928 Bordeaux. First served as colonial physician in Côte d’Ivoire, in 1932-35 at French settlements in Tamilnadu and Bengal, then in Algeria. He was much interested in ethnography and popular religion, but no critical scholar. Married Lucette, daughter Lucette B. (1931–2009).
Publications: Le caducée et la symbolique dravidienne indo-méditerranéenne de l’arbre, de la pierre, du serpent et de la déesse-mère. 176 p. P. 1939; new ed. with an index ed. by his daughter. 194 p. P. 1989.
– Gnon-Sua, dieu des Guérés: Mœurs et croyance d’une peuplade primitive de la Forêt Vierge. 132 p. P. 1933; with Boubou Hama: L’empire de Guo; histoire, coutumes et magie des Sonini. 182 p. P. 1954.
Sources: Roşu, review of the 1989 book, JEAS 2, 1992, 188f.; stray notes in Internet.
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