RECZEK, Józef. Szczepanów, Lesser Poland 16.2.1936 — Ibid. 13.2.1988. Polish Indo-European, Slavonic and Iranian Linguist. Son of Alojzy Recheck and Anna Kargol. Studies at Cracow in 1953-59 ( under Pobożniak and T. Milewski). Ph.D. 1967 (diss. on Slavonic), from 1986 taught at Cracow University as Docent.
Publications: Hab.diss. Najstarsze slowiańsko–irańskie stosunki językowe. 77 p. Cracow 1985.
– “Iranische Entlehnungen im Urslavischen. 1. Ursl. *xorna und avestisches xvarənah-”, Folia Orientalia 9, 1968, 85-94; a few further works, also on Polish.
Sources: Briefly in L. Sudyka (ed.), Orientalia Commemorativa. Cracow 2011, 80 (in Polish, with photo); more in (also in Polish and with photo); *L. Bednarczuk, Folia Orient. 26, 1989, 233-235; *Prz. Orient. 1988:4, 386f.; *Polish obituary by Kr. Pisarkowa in; parents in myheritage.
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