ROOS-KEPPEL, George Olaf (also referred to as Ross-Keppel, added Keppel in 1890). London 7.9.1866 — London 11.12.1921. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-Colonel (1907). Son of Gustaf Ehrenreich Roos (1838–1926), a Swedish merchant in England, and his English wife, Elizabeth Annie Roffey. “Joined the Royal Scots Fusiliers, 1886, and Indian Staff Corps, 1900. Served in the Burmese expedition, 1886-7. Commandant Kuram Militia, 1894-7, Political Officer with Kuram Column, Tirah expedition, 1897-8, N.W. Frontier, 1898-9. C.I.E. and Brevet-Major, Political Officer in charge of Khyber Pass, 1899.” In 1908-19 Chief Commissioner & Agent in N.W.F. Province and had important role in the 3rd Afghan War. Retired 1920. K.C.S.I. 1915, G.C.I.E. 1917.
Publications: A Manual of Pushtu. 12+310 p. L. 1901 (on colloquial language).
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary (as Ross-K.); *W. Foster, D.N.B. 3rd Suppl. 1927, 477f.; *T.R. Moreman, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia with photo
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