ROSEN, Friedrich (diplomat)

ROSEN, Friedrich (Fritz) Felix Balduin. Leipzig 30.8.1856 — Peking 27.11.1935. German Diplomat and Oriental (Persian and Urdu) Scholar. Son of the diplomat Georg Rosen (1820–1891), from Lippe, and Serena Anna Moscheles (1830–1902), nephew of —> Friedrich A. Rosen. The father was also an Arabic and Persian scholar who translated the Mesnevi (1849) and the Tūtīnāme (1858). Grew up in Jerusalem, where the father was Prussian consul, learning early Arabic and English. After a visit to Iran in 1887 he became teacher of Hindustani at Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen in Berlin (also taught Persian). Like others, he did not go on with the director, and in 1890 entered diplomatic career. Ph.D. 1891 Leipzig. Served briefly in Beirut, then longer time in Tehran. In 1898 founded new consulate in Baghdad, from 1899 Consul in Jerusalem. From 1901 in Foreign Ministry, in 1905 Ambassador in Ethiopia, where he gained permission for the German Axum Expedition. Participated in the negotiations on Morocco and Balkan. In 1912-16 Ambassador in Lisbon, in 1916-20 in the Hague. May to October 1921 Minister of Foreign Affairs, then retired. In the age of 79 he moved to Peking, where his son was serving as diplomat, died in complications caused by broken leg. Married Nina Roche (1863–1956, pianist), two daughters and two son, grandfather of —> V. Stache-Rosen.

Publications: Diss. Die Indarsabhā des Amānat. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hindustani-Literatur. 4+102 p. Lp. 1891 (with text and translation).

Translated: Omar Chaijām. 1893 (93 quatrains), 5th ed. 1922, Die Sinnsprüche Omars des Zeltmachers. 62 p. Insel-Bücherei 407. Lp. 1929 (152 quatrains); The Quatrains of ‘Omar Khayyām. 106 p. L. 1930; Harut und Marut und andere Dichtungen aus dem Orient verdeutscht. 123 p. B. 1924.

Modern Persian Colloquial Grammar. 16+400 p. London 1898; Shuma farsi härf mizähid? Neupersischer Sprachführer. 3rd ed. 12+142 p. B. 1925.

New ed. of his fathers’ Mesnevi oder Doppelverse des Scheich Mewlānā Dschelāl ed-dīn Rūmī. Munich 1913 (orig. 1849).

– “Zur Textfrage der vierzeiler Omars”, ZDMG 1926.

The Quatrains of ‘Omar-i Khayyām. Persian text taken from the two newly discovered Oldest Manuscripts with an English prose version. 6+200+72+214 p. L. 1928.

– “Die Literaturgeschichte des Urdu”, Wälzel, Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft. 1925.

Persien in Wort und Bild. 246 p. 165 ill. Die Welt in Wort und Bild 3. Berlin 1926.

Sources: E. Littmann, ZDMG 89, 1935, 391-400; *H. Müller-Werth, Der Staatsmann Friedrich Rosen: Diplomat und Orientalist. Leben und Wirken (1856-1935). Mainz 1957; *H. Müller-Werth & W. Elz, N.D.B. 22, 2005, 52f.; Wikipedia with 2 photos.

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