RÜDIGER, Johann Christian Christoph

RÜDIGER, Johann Christian Christoph. Burg near Magdeburg 9.5.1751 — 21.10.1822. German Cameralist and Linguist. Background not known. From 1768 studies of law and modern languages at Halle. PD 1777 and from 1791 ao. Professor der Kameralwissenschaften and still 1791 also ord. at Halle. But he was also a linguist. He was the first to realize the NIA nature of the Gipsy language in 1782. Married Johanna Dorothea Wilhelmina Krause.

Publications: Edited: Neuester Zuwachs der der teutschen, fremden und allgemeinen Sprachkunde. 1-6. Halle 1782-96 (articles and reviews); i. al. “Von der Sprache und Herkunft der Zigeuner aus Indien”, in vol. 1, 1782, 37-84 (repr. 27+37-84 p. Hamburg 1990).

Aweiar, Kalwiorhuckam oder Sittennsprüche, aus Tamulischen Palmblättern übersetzt mit Bemerkungen über indische Gelehrsamkeit. 26 p. Halle 1791 (Auvaiyār’s Kalviyolukkam).

– Several other works, including a collection of drinking songs.

Sources: A. Leskien, A.D.B. 29, 1889, 468; German Wikipedia with portrait.

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