RYSIEWICZ, Zygmunt. Krosno, Subcarpathian Voivodeship 5.1.1911 — Warsaw 14.4.1954. Polish Indologist and Linguist. From 1929 studies of Polish, Slavics and philosophy at Jan Kasimir University, Lwów, student of Kuryłowicz. In 1936-45 at Lwów, then moved to Cracow. In 1947-48 further studies in Paris under Renou, Bloch and Benveniste. From 1949 taught comparative linguistics at Warsaw University.
Publications: Un archaisme de l’accentuation védique. 7+99 p. Polska Akademia Um., Prace komisji orientalistycznej 37. Kraków 1948.
– “Observations sur le suffixe -ka- dans les composés du vieil indien”, Bull. intern. de l’Acad. polonaise 1945 (1954), 104-108; “Un cas de supplétivisme en védique”, Biuletyn PTJ 11, 1952, 171-174; “Formations védiques sans suffixe à preverbe”, Rozprawy Komisji Orient 4, 1952, 109-127, 151-154 (Polish summary, 129-133).
– “De quelques pronoms relatifs”, RO 17, 1953, 393-398.
– “La construction passive dans quelques langues indo-européennes et en sémitique”, Biuletyn PTJ 13, 1954, 99-107.
– Articles in Polish; Studia językoznawcze. 11+358 p. Wrocław 1956 (collected articles).
Sources: *Studia językoznawcze. 1956 includes an introduction in Polish, a bibliography and a photo; briefly *Polish Wikipedia.
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