SANDBERG, Samuel Louis Graham. Oughtibridge, Yorkshire 9.12.1851 — Bournemouth 2.3.1905. British Priest and Tibetan Scholar. Son of Paul Louis Sandberg (1819–1878), a vicar and former (1843-49) missionary in India, and Maria Graham. Educated in Liverpool and Birkenhead. B.A. 1870 Dublin University, then studied law and was called to the bar in 1874. After a serious illness took theology and was ordained in 1879. From 1885 Chaplain in Indian Service working in various parts of (what was then) Bengal. In Darjeeling began the study of Tibetan. Retired because of illness in 1904. Married 1884 Mary Grey (d. 1910), no children.
Publications: Manual of the Sikkim Bhutia Language or Dénjong Ké. 44 p. Calcutta 1888, enlarged 2nd ed. Westminster 1895; Handbook of the colloquial Tibetan. A Practical Guide to the Language of Central Tibet. 372 p. Calcutta 1894.
– “A Tibetan Poet and Mystic”, Nineteenth Century 1899 (Milaraspa).
– “An itinerary of the route from Sikkim to Lhasa, together with a plan of the capital of Tibet and a new map of the route from Yamdok lake to Lhasa”, 29 p. & map. Contemporary Review 1901.
– With A. W. Heyde, rev. and enl. ed. of S. C. Das’s Tibetan-English Dictionary. 34+1353 p. Calcutta 1902.
– The Exploration of Tibet: its History and Particulars from 1623 to 1904. 6+324 p. Calcutta & L. 1904; Tibet and the Tibetans. 9+333 p. L. 1906.
– Articles on geography and exploration of Tibet in Calcutta Review, etc.
Sources: F. W. T[homas], D.N.B. Suppl. 1912, 260f.
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