SANGERMANO, Vincentius.

SANGERMANO, Vincentius. Arpino, Lazio 1758 — Livorno 28.7.1819. Father. Italian Barnabite Missionary in Burma, a Scholar of Pāli and Burmese. Sent to Burma in 1782. After brief stay in Ava worked long time in Rangoon as Principal of a missionary school. He knew well Burmese and Pāli and translated a number of Buddhist texts, which were then as manuscripts used by Burnouf and Lassen. In 1808 he returned to Italy and the Napoleonic wars prevented the plans of a renewed stay in Burma.

Publications: F. Buchanan: “Kammua-za, translated from the Latin version made from Pali by V. S.”, As. Res. 6, 1800, London ed. 1801, 279-289.

Relazioni del regno Barmano. Roma 1832, English as A Description of the Burmese Empire. Transl. by W. Tundy. 224 p. Or. Tr. Fund 1833, new ed. with notes by J. Jardine as The Burmese empire a hundred years ago. Westminster 1884

Sources: Harris 2006, 17-19; Wikipedia.

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