SCHÄFFER, Philipp.

SCHÄFFER, Philipp. Königsberg 16.11.1894 — Berlin-Plötzensee 16.5.1943. German Student of Indology, then Sinologist and Activist against Nazism. Son of an officer, grew up in St.Petersburg. Began studies there 1913 (Sanskrit), but 1914 the family was banished, as enemies, to Archangelsk. In 1918 they returned to St.Petersburg, but soon decided to move to Germany. In 1919 he fought against Bolshevics in Baltian army, but later became himself communist. From 1920 studied Indology, Tibetan and Sinology at Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1924 Heidelberg. In 1925 moved to Berlin and from 1927 worked in municipal library. Lost his job in 1932 and lived in Spandau studying Marxism and working (illegally) for KPD. Arrested 1935 and sent to prison in Luckau. Released in 1940 joined active resistance and was arrested by Gestapo in 1942, soon accused and finally executed. Married 1916 Irina Glasačeva, two daughters, divorce 1927, 1929 married Ilse Liebig (1899–1972, a sculptor).

Publications: Diss. Yuktiṣaṣṭikārikā. Manuscript of 2+37 p. 1924 (of Nāgārjuna, translated).

Sources: Diss. in Janert; with several photos; German Wikipedia.

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