SCHINDLER, Jochem. Amstetten, Niederösterreich 8.11.1944 — Prague 24.12.1994. Austrian IE Linguist. Studies of IE and Romance Linguistics at Vienna and Würzburg (Kronasser). Ph.D. 1972. In 1972-74 Assistant at Vienna. In 1974-76 Assistant Professor, 1976-78 Associate Professor and from 1978 Professor at Harvard, but in 1987 returned to Vienna as the successor of G. R. Solta. Worked on the reconstruction of “Ursprache” and on the function of ablaut, but also on Indo-Iranian. Married Hermione.

Publications: Diss. Das Wurzelnomen im Arischen und Griechischen. 112 p. Würzburg 1972.

– “Tocharische Miszellen”, IF 72, 1967, 239-249; “Die idg. Wörter für ‘Vogel’ und ‘Ei’”, Die Sprache 15, 1969, 144-167; “Zur Herkunft der ltindischen cvi-Bildungen”, M. Mayrhofer et al. (eds.), Lautgeschichte und Etymologie. Akten der VI. Fachtagung der Idg. Ges. Vienna 1980, 386-393; a few other articles.

Sources: *W.U. Dressler, Die Sprache 37, 1995, 1-4; *R. Schmitt, Almanach de Ö.A.W. 145, 1995, 581-594 with bibliography; V. Sadovski & D. Stifter (eds.), Iranistische und indogermanische Beiträge in memoriam J.S. (1944–1994). SÖA 836 Veröff. zur Iranistik 51. Vienna 2012; Bihl 239; German Wikipedia briefly, with photo; photo in TITUS Galeria; another photo in

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