BROWN, William

BROWN, William. 1757/67? — 1837. British Civil Servant in India. Senior merchant in Madras in the 1810s, 1817 decribed himself as “many years resident in Northern Sircars”. Completed his dictionary, with the help of Telugu pandits, in 1807.

Publications: Anonymously published: A Grammar of Gentoo Language, as it is understood and spoken by the Gentoo People, re­siding north and north-westward of Madras. By a Civil Servant under the Presidency of Fort. St. George, many years resident in the Northern Circars. 18+143 p. Madras 1817 (Telugu).

A Vocabulary of Gentoo and English. 15+410 p. Madras 1818 (Telugu, by “a Senior Merchant of the Madras Establishment, name in the end of Preface).

Sources: Stray notes in Internet (difficult to find for such a common name), Google scan of his 1817 book; not in the Br. Biogr. Arch.

Last Updated on 11 months by Admin


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