SCHMIDT, Erich Friedrich. Baden-Baden 13.9.1897 — Santa Barbara Calif. 3.10.1964. German Archaeologist in the U.S.A., U.S. citizen 1938. Son of Erhard Friedrich Schmidt (d. c. 1907), clergyman and professor, and Frida Loeffler. Lost early his father, had military education and served in WW I. Wounded in Galicia in 1916 he spent four years in Russian camp of war prisoners, escaped via Murmansk in 1920. Back in Germany he began studies at Berlin, but in 1923 emigrated to the U.S.A. Now studies of Anthropology at Columbia under F. Boas, Ph.D. 1929. In 1925-26 excavated Hohokam culture in Arizona, in 1927 joined the Anatolia-Hittite Expedition of Oriental Institute. In 1934-39 famous excavations at Persepolis. A pioneer of the use of aerial photography in archaeology. From 1954 Associate Professor, 1962 full Professor at Oriental Institute, Chicago. As emeritus moved to Santa Barbara. Married 1934 Mary-Helen Warden (d. 1936) and 1943 Lura Florence Strawn, one daughter and one son with the second wife.

Publications: Diss. on Hohokam culture. 1928.

Anatolia Through the Ages: Discoveries at the Alishar Mound, 1927-1929. 10+165 p. Or.Inst.Comm. 11. Chicago 1931.

The Treasury of Persepolis and Other Discoveries in the Homeland of the Achaemenians. 21+139 p. ill. Or.Inst.Comm. 21. Chicago 1939.

Flights Over Ancient Cities of Iran. 22+104 p. 119 pl. Chicago 1940.

Persepolis. I. Structures, Reliefs, Inscriptions. 29+297 p. 205 pl. Chicago 1953, II. Contents of the Treasury and Other Discoveries. 20+166 p. 94 pl. Chicago 1957; III. The Royal Tombs and Other Monuments. 24+174 p. 105 pl. Chicago 1970.

Sources: *E.C. Haines, JNES 24, 1964, 145-148;;; Wikipedia.

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