GANKOVSKIJ, Jurij Vladimirovič. Harkiv 6.4.1921 — Moscow 7.9.2001. Russian Historian. Son of an official, born in Ukraina. Graduated 1942 from Moscow. In 1941-45 in army. After war persecuted (arrest 1947), rehabilitated 1956. Kand. ist. nauk 1958. Dr. ist. nauk 1966. In 1945-54 taught at Voennyj institut inostrannyh jazykov in Moscow, 1959-64 secretary of Oriental Institute, from 1960 staršij naučnyj sotrudnik there. Docent 1961. Professor 1969.
Publications: Kand.diss. Očerki gos. stroj i voen. sistemy deržavy Durrani (1747–1819). Manuscript, M. 1958.
– Imperija Durrani: Očerki administrativn. i voen. sistemy. 173 p. M. 1958, Pashto transl. Kabul 1972.
– With others: Istorija Pakistana. M. 1961.
– Narody Pakistana (osnovnye ètapy ètnič. istorii). 280 p. M. 1964, English transl. The Peoples of Pakistan: An Ethnic History. 247 p. M. 1971.– Nac. vopros i nac. dviženija v Pakistane. 272 p. M. 1967.
Sources: Miliband 1995; Russsian Vikipedija with photo.
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