LESLIE, I. Julia

LESLIE, Isobel Julia. Dar es Salaam 23.1.1948 — Buckinghamshire 24.9.2004. British Indologist. Daughter of John Arthur Kingsley Leslie and his wife Elizabeth Helen. Studied philosophy, French and German at University of Sussex, then six years in South Asia. M.Phil. 1980 and  D.Phil. 1983 Oxford. In the 1980s at Harvard in the U.S.A., then again at Oxford. In 1990-2004 Lecturer, then Reader in Hindu Studies at S.O.A.S. in London. Married Dominic Wujastyk, two daughters.
Publications: Diss. 1983 publ. as The perfect wife: the orthodox Hindu woman according to the Strīdharmapaddhati of Tryambakayajvan. 375 p. Delhi 1989.
– Edited: Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women. 18+267 p. London 1991; Myth and mythmaking: continuous evolution in the Indian tradition. L. 1996.
– “Understanding Basava: History, hagiography and a modern Kannada drama”, BSOAS 61, 1998, 228-261 (Taledaṇḍa by Girish Karnad).
–  “A bird bereaved: the identity and significance of Vālmīki’s krauñca”, JIPh 26, 1998, 455-487; short articles and reviews.
Authority and Meaning in Indian Religions. Hinduism and the Case of Valmiki. 246 p. Oxford 2003.
– A novel located in Sri Lanka: Perahera. 1984.
Sources: *W. Radice, South Asia Res. 25:7, 2005, 123-127, repr. in Newsl. IASS 8, 2006, 53-58 with bibliography; geni.com; personal knowledge 1984/94.

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